Welcome to our Production Details Page!

We are so excited that you are joining our CYT Portland family in this awesome production adventure!
Our shows are a unique and exciting endeavor. We work together to create a professional production in just seven to eight weeks. The rehearsal and show process are vital tools in our mission to develop character through training in the arts. Not only will your student learn to perform, but they will also learn who they are and their value as a member of the cast or crew. On this page you will find all of the basic information you will need to understand what goes into a CYT Portland production. Show specific details can be found in the show Production Manual. Times, dates and who to contact for questions about a show you are interested in can be found there.

Why a manual?

CYT Productions are fast-paced. We do an enormous amount in just a few weeks. There are loads of
details to manage, places to be, and responsibilities that all of us carry so that your student’s experience can be the best it can be. This online manual has been designed to give you a clear picture of what to expect, what you and your student need to do and when, and how we all can work together for the best show possible. Links to current Production Manuals with show specific details are below.

Who do I contact with questions?

Each show is managed by a Production Coordinator (PC). This person is your first responder for any issue or question you have or any problem that needs to be solved. You will see them at every rehearsal and show. They will get to know you and your students. The PC reports to the Artistic Director and Managing Director. The Assistant Production Coordinator(APC) is your go to person if the PC is not available. The APC reports to the PC and supports the Artistic Team and PC. Parent teams are managed by our Parent Team Coordinator (PTC) . This person helps create the parent teams and works closely with the team leads. The PTC is the first line of contact for parent team leads with questions regarding their teams or needs of the show. The PTC reports to the PC. The Rehearsal Facilitator assists the PC with running rehearsals. The RF will be responsible for checking students in and out of each rehearsal and working with students to develop their craft while not working with the Artistic Team. Refer to the show Production Manual for the coordinator contact information.

Who will my student be working with?

Every production happens with the direction of an excellent Artistic Team. These are adults with professional experience and training who understand the mission of CYT, love God, and excel at working with kids.

Any questions for the Artistic Team are to be directed to the Production Coordinator.


We have a few ways of receiving and sending communications: 
  1. Text - Our production and parent team coordinators all prefer to communicate primarily through text. 
  2. Phone call - Only in an emergency. Please only use this form of communication to communicate if you are stuck in traffic or need to communicate within a 15-30 minute timeframe.
  3. Callboard - The production team posts weekly messages to the production Callboard with everything you need to know. As we move through productions, we try to help remind you what is coming up, and the Callboard is the best way to get this info out. Callboard posts will come out weekly. Please log into your family account and check the production Callboard  first! View the Callboard tutorial from CYT Dallas here.
Social Media - Our Facebook page is CYT Portland (general site). Instagram is cytportland. We use these to help promote information out into the social media sphere.

What does it take to be involved?

Any student between 8-18 years of age, on audition day, (age 12 and up for Crew), who is enrolled in a CYT class, is encouraged to audition for the current CYT production.

Family Expectations

Accepting a role in a CYT production is a significant commitment for the student and the family. Through this process, students and families learn the value of collaboration, responsibility, and hard work, while making friends and having fun. Parent commitment is a vital part of the CYT process. With fully committed students, parents, and the CYT Artistic Team working together, we will stage an amazing production.

Before your student auditions, review the production expectations. This is what you and your family are
committing to. Understanding this ahead of time will prepare you and your student to have the best possible CYT experience. More details on each of these elements can be found in later sections on this page. Please direct any questions to the Production Coordinator.

We have a page called the Parent Hub, which has all of the forms and resources you will need throughout the production season.

Student Commitment

  • A+ Effort and an A+ Attitude
  • Attendance at Auditions and Callbacks.
  • On-time attendance at all rehearsals. On-time is 10 minutes early! (See Attendance Policy below about absences)
  • On-time attendance at all performances, including school day shows.
  • Memorizing all lines by week 4 of rehearsals, as well as memorizing songs and dances by the deadlines given.
  • Adherence to cell phone and electronic device policy – this will be strictly enforced.
  • Being responsive to and respectful of our teachers, staff, and fellow cast/crew members.
  • Completing all responsibilities before leaving a rehearsal or performance.
  • Students must not cut or color hair after auditions and casting without the Director’s approval.
  • Students must indicate on their audition form if they are willing to cut or alter their hair for a role.

Parental Commitment

  • Attend Friday Open Auditions with your student.
  • Families are expected to meet deadlines for Production fees, for paperwork & items due or arrange accommodations to be late in advance of the deadline.
  • All Families of Cast and Crew are required to have an adult volunteer family member serve on one or more Parent Production Team(s), ensuring that the task(s) assigned is completed.
  • Parent volunteers must complete a required background check consent form before auditions and online child safety training by 1st parent meeting.
  • Attendance at the two mandatory parent meetings.
  • Participation in Super Sunday Load-In (when we move into the performance venue) and Strike (when we move out of the performance venue.)
  • Provide or purchase snacks, lunch/dinner, and water for your student (as needed) at all rehearsals and shows.
*see the show production calendars for audition, parent meetings, load-in, and strike dates

Financial Commitment

Note: These costs are PER STUDENT / PER PRODUCTION unless indicated. Students MUST be enrolled in one CYT Portland class in the current session in order to audition for a show. See our classes page for tuition costs.
  • $175 Production Fee for cast- the fee is due upon casting in order to accept the role.
  • $100 Production Fee for crew - the fee is due upon casting in order to accept the role.
    • Please note that the Production Fee for cast and crew is non-refundable.  Class registration fees are also non-refundable after casting. By auditioning for cast or interviewing for crew, you are agreeing to this policy.
  • Purchasing & equipping a Show Box. (Many supplies carry over from show to show.) (CAST only) 
  • Purchasing a Stage Make-up Kit for $25. (Can be used for multiple shows.) (CAST only)
  • Shoes and socks, depending on requirements. ($25-40, may carry over from show to show.)
  • Selling a minimum of 10 tickets to the production via our Ticket Reseller program. (CAST and CREW)
  • A minimum of $150 production program ad or family sponsorship. (CAST only)
  • Optional items (CAST and CREW):
    • Congratulatory Ads ($5/each) 
    • Digital Photos & Show Video, Thumb Drive ($40)
    • Show Photo Book ($60)
    • Extra Show T-shirt ($20)
    • Show Hoodie ($40)


Refer to the Auditions Important Info section on our Shows page for details on upcoming auditions.

Auditions Location:

Northwest Christian Church - Tigard Campus
13405 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard, OR 97223

Open Auditions (Open for Family Viewing)
Friday evening 3:30-8:00pm.

Closed Callbacks (Invited Cast Auditioners Only)
9:00-11:00am - Closed Dance Auditions
11:00am-3:00pm - Closed Vocal/Drama Callbacks

Crew Interviews

NOTE: All auditioners will receive an email by 11pm on Friday night letting them know if they are not cast or if they have received an invitation to Saturday Callback. Saturday Callback does not ensure casting.

Cast & Crew List
Posted on website & emailed Sunday after Auditions by 5:00pm
Performers need to prepare:
  • A one-minute selection of a stage musical song to perform for our artistic team. Do not select a song from the production for which you are auditioning.
  • A memorized "side" selection from our provided choices. See the show Production Manual for correct production side for your audition.
  • Your audition song accompaniment must be uploaded with your Cast Audition Form to the provided form in the Parent Hub no later than 1 week before your audition time. For a tutorial on how to prepare your music to upload CYT Dallas has provided a video, audition music help on CYT University.
  • In addition to submitting the audition form, you must also choose your audition time in your CYT profile. Only students currently enrolled in a CYT Portland class are able to select audition times.
  • If you have never auditioned for CYT before, please read the "What to Expect at a CYT Audition" at the button below. 
  • Visit our Audition FAQ page for more information, including details on casting and cutting parameters.

First Mandatory Parent Meeting

On the morning of the first Saturday rehearsal, there will be three important MANDATORY meetings:
  • New Parent Training:  9:30 - 11:00am 
  • Parent Meeting:  11:00am - 12:00pm
  • Parent team breakout:  12:00 - 1:00pm

**ROLL CALL WILL BE TAKEN! If you are unable to attend, you must send an adult representative in your place (this adult can only represent 1 other parent besides themselves). If you or a representative does not attend, your account will be charged a $50 fine. Please contact Production Coordinator via text no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting in case of substitution.

Production Fee

Production Fees are one of the five sources of income that support each production. The others are ticket sales, concessions, special activities & program advertisements. Production Fees are the seed money to get the production rolling.

Production fees are paid online, using your CYT account. Once your student is cast in the show the fee will automatically be added to your CYT account. All production fees must be paid prior to the 1st rehearsal. Here is a video on how to process your payment How to pay your Production Fee (Please note the web address in the video is old. Our web address is www.cytportland.org.)

The Production Fee is a one-time fee per student of $175.00 for cast or $100 for crew. This payment is due upon casting in order to accept your role.

We have tried to incorporate as many expenses into the fee as possible in order to cut down on other requests for money during the production process.

While we think the Production Fee is a great value, we understand that it can be a daunting amount, especially for families that have multiple children in the production. If you need to make special arrangements, please speak with the Managing Director, Jeff Lippert, jlippert@cytportland.org.

Background Check & Child Safety Training

At Christian Youth Theater Portland we take child safety very seriously and ask that everyone serving with children or youth in any capacity complete a background check and take an online course which specifically covers sexual abuse awareness and prevention. 
CYT Inc has partnered with Protect My Ministry to process background checks and provide an online child safety course.

*If you are NEW to CYT Portland or if any of your personal information has changed since your last CYT background check, please submit the background check form.

The link below opens the background check consent form that is used to collect the necessary information to process the background check. After you submit the consent form your background check will be processed. *NEW Parents who will be volunteering for Parent Production Teams must submit your background check consent form as a required step that must be completed prior to your student's audition.

Once your background check is processed you will also receive an email from message@protectingourkids.com with the subject “Child Safety Training”. This email will provide a link that will allow you to access the Child Abuse Awareness video training at no cost to you. When you have completed the video training, please complete the 25 question quiz by clicking the button at the end of the last video. Your score will be revealed. Please complete by submitting your results. The link for the child safety training are only active for 5 days. It is vital that you click on the link and complete the required steps before the link expires. If you do not see the email in your inbox please check your spam folder. If for any reason you are unable to locate the email please contact our Managing Director, Jeff Lippert, jlippert@cytportland.org

CYT Inc and CYT Portland thank you for your participation.


Rehearsal Venue

Northwest Christian Church - Tigard Campus
13405 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard, OR 97223

Rehearsal Times

Fridays from 4:20-8:30pm
Saturdays from 8:50am-2:00pm 
All cast is called to every rehearsal, unless otherwise notified via email several days beforehand. Rehearsal commitments will vary depending on show. Refer to show Production Manual for specific dates and times.

What to Wear

Wear appropriate and modest clothing to rehearsals. 
  • Dance pants or sweats may be worn. If they are form-fitting, please tie a shirt around your waist or wear a long shirt or shorts over your pants.  
  • Shorts may be worn but must reach the middle of your thigh in length.
  • Production T-shirt, class shirt, or comfortable shirt of your choice may be worn, no straps or midriff showing. 
  • Jazz shoes are required for all rehearsals. *Student may need other shoes if requested by the director.
  • Long hair must be pulled back in a ponytail AND pinned away from the face. 
  • No hats allowed.

Rehearsal Etiquette

Our rehearsals are hard work but fun work, especially when we have everyone’s best attitude and effort. In order for your student to get the most out of their rehearsal time, the following standards are applied:
  • Rehearsals are CLOSED. That means that parents, siblings, or friends are not able to sit in on rehearsals. 
  • Come ready to work hard with a great attitude.
  • Rehearsals begin on time. Consistent tardiness could affect your student’s role. Be at rehearsal by 4:20pm on Fridays and 8:50am on Saturdays. This gives you time to get settled, change your shoes and be ready to go on-time.
  • Part of being in theater is understanding that there will be down time where a cast member may not be rehearsing. During times like these, students will need to entertain themselves with a quiet activity (i.e. reading, drawing, homework, brain teasers, etc.). If students have lines that need to be learned this comes first!
  • No electronics are allowed during rehearsal, tech week, or production. Please keep them out of sight in your bag. See the Electronics Policy below.
  • Respect everyone in the room. Do not touch anybody else. Treat everyone like you would like to be treated.
  • No gum chewing.
  • Rehearsal time is precious. Follow instructions, listen intently, be patient, and be prepared to move quickly when you are up. Lunch/dinner is your time to socialize.
  • Respect the rehearsal space by picking up after yourself and cleaning up what you use. The venue should look better when we leave than when we arrived.
  • Do not correct other people, tell them what to do, or try to fix their behavior. That responsibility belongs to the Production Coordinator and Artistic Team.
  • Each rehearsal has frequent water breaks and a lunch or dinner break. Please send enough food and water with your student. Water is the only beverage allowed.
  • Always give your best! It will be exactly what is needed. Our lives belong to The Lord, our show belongs to The Lord, and our talents belong to The Lord! Raise them up to Him!
  • Use only respectful language with each other, the production team, the artistic team, and all parent volunteers.
  • Be mindful of the age span of our cast. We hav 8-18 year olds working together in close quarter. Choose topics of conversation and behavior that is appropriate for all ages. If you are an older student, set the example and be a servant leader.

Attendance Policy


Cast/Crew members are required to be present and on time for all called rehearsals. Cast members are allowed 2 excused absences; crew members are allowed 1 excused absence. This information is filled out in the audition form for cast or crew. *Please note that students should only miss a rehearsal if absolutely necessary! It is recommended to have  no planned absences due to the possibility of unexpected illness that could cause the student to miss a rehearsal.

Once you are cast, if you have any unexcused absences, you could potentially be removed from a scene or be assigned an understudy. Note: Taking a cast member out of rehearsal early is the same as an absence and needs to be planned just like any other absence. 
Scene Removal Policy: Regardless of reason, excused or unexcused, if any cast or crew member misses a called rehearsal (or is late for rehearsal or leaves rehearsal early) even if it was previously stated AT AUDITIONS on the Schedule Commitment Form, they may be cut from any scenes the Artistic Team deems necessary to maintain the rehearsal schedule. This is not a punishment, it is simply a natural consequence due to the pace of our production schedule. 

*Generally most of the production is taught in the first 3-4 weeks of rehearsal. If you are planning a family event or vacation, please try to avoid missing these weeks. Your student will have a much easier time if they learn their parts in this time frame. 


Cast and Crew attendance is mandatory for Super Sunday(only called cast), Tech Week, and all Performances – INCLUDING THE SCHOOL DAY SHOWS. See Important Dates/Times at the beginning of the manual for call times. If you have an emergency and will be late or will miss a rehearsal or performance, you must contact the Production Coordinator by phone. No emails.

Illness Policy

In order to have productive rehearsals, each student needs to be well enough to fully participate. If your student is sick or contagious with fever, vomiting, strep throat, conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), Chicken Pox, flu, rash or a cold with excessive sneezing or coughing, keep them home. Please make sure your student is free of contagious illness for 24 hours before returning to rehearsals. If your student needs to miss a rehearsal due to illness, they must have an excused absence. Call the Production Coordinator the day prior, or as soon as possible, to be excused. No emails.

Cell Phone/Electronics Policy

CYT maintains a strict NO cell phone/electronics policy. While we understand that cell phones may be necessary for your child to reach you in certain cases (i.e. carpooling, missed pick up, etc.), they may not use them on CYT time and must keep their electronics in their bag. If something comes up where they feel they need to contact you during rehearsal, they must talk to the Production Coordinator first. The following needs to be understood concerning the consequences of disregarding this policy:
  • Students will all get one warning about the cell phone/electronics policy on the first day of rehearsal. 
  • If a student is seen with their cell phone out during rehearsal, it will be taken by the Production Coordinator until the end of rehearsal. It will be handed to their parent/guardian when they come to pick them up. 
           At this time, the student will either:
  1. Be assigned an understudy if they have a larger role or
  2. Be removed from an ensemble scene.
  • If a student has a second offense, their phone will be taken, and they will either lose their role or be removed from a second ensemble role. 
  • If a student loses their roles, they will be removed from the production with no refund given. 
  • A student is allowed to utilize a tablet if completing homework. 
  • Use of the tablet must be approved by the Production Coordinator and the Greenroom Monitor prior to use. The tablet may not be used by more than one student at a time.
  • If these guidelines are not followed, the tablet will be considered as  no longer being used for homework and will be confiscated and returned to the parent at the end of rehearsal.

Parent Production Teams

What are Parent Production Teams?

CYT productions are a collaboration between our Artistic Team, our students, and their families. We could not accomplish the professional productions we do without the committed and engaged participation of all our families. Working on a parent team allows parents to not only invest in the lives of their own children but also in the lives of the children and families of CYT. This is a non-negotiable requirement for every family in each production.
  • Each family will need to serve on one OR more parent team(s) during the production. Serving on your team until the task is fully completed is a requirement, regardless of hours needed.
  • Cast and crew members are not eligible to serve on a parent team. If a parent is unable to serve on a production team, families must provide an adult to fulfill the parent team commitments.
  • ALL cast and crew families need to serve on Super Sunday (Load-in)  & Strike (Load-out). Participation on Super Sunday and Strike is mandatory and in addition to your parent team obligations. We need all hands on deck to make these two important days run smoothly.
  • All Parents on Production Teams will be required to complete a provided background check and complete an online child safety training prior to 1st parent meeting.
Thank you for your commitment to make this an awesome experience for all families.  We appreciate you!

How do the teams work?

Each Parent Team is guided by a Team Lead. This is usually an experienced parent who has previously worked in a production. The Lead’s responsibility is to guide and assist their team through the show process. The Lead is responsible for adhering to the team budget, making sure the tasks are completed on schedule and the delegation/organization of the team. NO TEAM PURCHASES CAN BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE TEAM LEAD.  
Parent Teams’ work happens at varying times during the production, based on the needs of the show, the size of the cast/crew and the tasks that need to be accomplished. At the first parent meeting, your Team Lead will communicate what the assignments and deadlines are for your team.

How do you join a Parent Team?

  • Review the parent team options in this manual before filling out the Production Parent Team Form located in The Parent Hub. Consider your interests, experience, skills, and availability.
  • We do our best to place you on a team in your area of interest, however team placement will be based on the needs of the show. You may be placed on a team in which you have no prior experience; however, the Team Lead will provide the necessary information for you to be successful.
  • The Parent Team Coordinator will assign you to one or more parent production team(s). You will find out your teams at the first parent meeting. 
  • It is your responsibility to communicate with your Team Lead regarding your responsibilities and assignments throughout the production. 

Production Expenses and Reimbursement

If you are on a parent team where you will need to spend money or account for donated items, please submit all expenses weekly through our PRODUCTION EXPENSE TRACKER FORM located on the Parent Hub. ALL expense receipts need to be submitted, even if no reimbursement is requested. Please review the reimbursement options carefully under the Reimbursement Selection on the form. Reimbursement as a credit to your family account is the quickest option, however, reimbursement checks will be sent regularly. If no reimbursement is desired please submit a form and choose the Donate Items section when submitting the form. If paying up front for a Production Team expense is a hardship, please contact the Production Coordinator for options. All production expense forms must be submitted no later that 1 week after STRIKE!

Posters, Reseller Tickets & Programs

One of the most important things we do to support our students and the production is to get the word out. Of course, family and friends want to come and see your students perform, and that is a wonderful thing! In order to play to a full house, we need to fill 2000 seats over the course of eight public performances. That is far more than just our close friends and family!  In order to provide the best audience for our students, we encourage each family to help promote the production in the following ways:

For each production we offer professionally designed posters and mini-flyers that you can use to help promote the production in your community. Posters can be hung in local coffee shops, grocery stores, libraries, medical offices, and other businesses with community boards. Mini-flyers are great for handing out to your neighbors, co-workers, and people in your social circles. The more we get the word out, the more people will come to the show!

Cast families are required to sell a minimum of 10 tickets to the show. These tickets are specially discounted tickets that can only be purchased through a cast family. After the first parent meeting you will be able to activate reseller tickets within your account on the CYT website. Click HERE for instructions on how to open your reseller tickets. You can also find the PDF for this at cytportlandvancouver.org → Shows → PDF drop down (upper right-hand corner) → Reseller Ticket Instructions. BE AWARE: If you choose one, you cannot go back later and choose the other. The most popular choice is The Advanced Reseller Account to get the box office link to share with friends and  family. 

Our program is an important piece of our show. The revenue from the ads help support the cost of the production and the printing of the program. These ads are secured by our cast families. Each family is required to sell $150 minimum in advertisements for our program.

Some families purchase ads for their own businesses or arrange for their employer to sponsor an ad. Other families reach out into their personal network of friends and family or invite other businesses they have a personal connection with to buy an ad. Because business sponsors receive free tickets, this is a great opportunity to introduce your local business community to CYT Portland and the amazing productions each season.

Ad sizes, costs, and artwork specifications are listed on the website www.cytportland.org/ads/ as well as the conveniently shareable Program Ad Form found in the Parent Hub.

Family Sponsorships are available in lieu of securing a Program Ad. Families may choose to pay or secure donations to meet the $150 minimum amount to help support the cost of the program production. The Family Sponsorship Form located in the Parent Hub can be shared with family and friends.

We offer congratulatory ads for $5.00 each. These are short written congratulations to your student that are 15-50 words or less. Your students love reading these heartfelt messages of encouragement in the program. Many families invite grandparents and family friends to buy congratulatory ads as well so that their student has more than one message cheering them on. These can be submitted via the Congrat Ads Form found in the Parent Hub at cytportland.org → Shows → Links drop down (upper right-hand corner) → Parent Hub

Your Show Box

Each cast member is required to have a show box. The show box contains everything necessary for your child to participate in the production. It provides a convenient, portable way to keep all your student’s belongings together in one place and they stack together for stage storage. Your student’s show box will be brought to the first day of Tech Rehearsal


  • A 12-gallon plastic, stackable storage bin with the student’s name clearly written in Sharpie on the top and all four sides. The required box is see-through with an attached flip-top lid.  (See example or order one here)
  • Every item in the box MUST be marked with your student’s name.
  • Many students use smaller bins, pouches, or Ziploc bags to organize items inside their show box. This cuts down on the chaos of trying to find items they need in a hurry.

Show Box Contents

These items are required for all CAST members:
  • Ben Nye Makeup Kit ($25, Purchased through your online CYT account→Purchase→Makeup Kit)
  • Black mascara
  • Makeup sponges – natural are best, latex free
  • Assorted makeup brushes (optional)
  • 1 package of Q-tips
  • Makeup remover wipes
  • Facial moisturizer
  • Box of tissues
  • Hand sanitizer 
  • Black or brown eyeliner pencil
  • Small eye pencil sharpener
  • Cover Shirt:  Men’s long sleeve dress shirt with buttons, large size to wear while applying makeup
  • Small facial mirror with stand
  • Wet wipes for hand cleaning
  • Comb, hairbrush, & hairband to hold hair back while applying makeup
  • Deodorant Required for ALL AGES.

*Exceptions can be made for allergies-check w/PC
  • Second set of modesty clothing (girls tank top and girls shorts and boys tank and shorts) in case original is forgotten or soiled
  • Show shoes, socks, and/or tights (color and style to be designated by the artistic team)
  • Quiet games, books, coloring/drawing items, etc. No Electronic Devices.
  • Old dish towel in case of spills

Show Box Content, continued…

Additional items for Female Cast:
  • Hair spray
  • Bobby pins and hair pins (need BOTH)
  • For long hair: Hair Elastics to match hair color
  • Feminine hygiene products as needed
Additional items for Male Cast:
  • Heavy hold hair gel
  • Bobby pins and hair pins (need BOTH)
  • Hairspray

Show Run

Tech Week & Performance Venue

Sherwood Center for the Arts
22689 SW Pine Street
Sherwood, OR 97140

Super Sunday! - Mandatory for all parent production team volunteers

At least one parent per family is required to be available to help on this important day. Parents and crew will meet at the theater and get everything ready for Tech Week rehearsals and shows. This involves moving in and setting up greenroom, tech equipment, sets, costumes, and props. All parents may not be needed for the duration of the day. The schedule will be evaluated per parent team once the needs are known, and the schedule will be adjusted if necessary. 
Set and costume transportation:  Parents, we need your help. We will need 2-3 trucks and trailers to move the sets, props and costumes to the venue. If you are available to help and have a vehicle, please contact the Production Coordinator. We will tell you when and where to meet.

Tech Week

Tech week is the five days of rehearsal prior to the first performance. These rehearsals happen at the production space and are full dress rehearsals each day. No absences are allowed during tech week. This week is focused on running through the show with makeup, hair, costumes, props, sets, sound, and lighting. At the theater there will be down time where cast and crew members may not be rehearsing. During these times, students will need to entertain themselves with a quiet activity (i.e reading, drawing, homework, brain teasers, etc.).
There will be breaks for eating dinner, and make sure to send your student with a big water bottle. Only water is allowed.

Backstage Etiquette

  • The cell phone and electronics policy applies during production. Failure to follow this policy will influence future cast and crew participation.
  • If you can see the audience, they can see you. Stay way back in the wings.
  • Quiet, quiet, quiet backstage. The audience can hear you. Follow the rules and set the example.
  • Be respectful of other cast and crew members and especially the Show Caller and parent helpers.
  • Do not distract or play with other cast members.
  • Keep your hands to yourself.
  • Do not touch any of the set pieces or props that are not for your use.
  • No food, drink, or gum backstage other than your personal meals and water.
  • Leave your makeup alone once it is applied unless you have a makeup change.
  • Listen to all crew member instructions, and stay out of their way while they are working.
   Keep these important things in mind for each performance date.
  • Always arrive on time. Do not be late.
  • Have hair done ahead of time, whenever possible. If you have complicated makeup or need a mic check, see the call times at the Important Dates/Times section at the beginning of the manual. Always wear a cover shirt when applying makeup with your costume on.
  • Wear the right color modesty shorts and tank top for dressing in your costumes.
  • Bring dinner and snacks. Make sure the food you bring is easy to eat, does not require a microwave, and creates no mess on your costumes. Always wear your cover shirt when eating with your costume on.
  • Bring a water bottle and only water. Bring extra water on 2-show days.
  • No chocolate or gum.
  • All cast/crew must check out with the coordinator before they can leave.

Hug in a Bag

We’ve found that things work best when only the cast, crew and staff are permitted in the Greenroom. We ask parents, other family members, or friends to not come down and check on the students during the production or between shows. One way you can encourage your student is to send them a Hug In a Bag.  This is a small collection of treats and gifts you pick out and purchase from the souvenir and concession tables in the lobby. It all goes in a bag marked for your student and is delivered to them by the Usher/Refreshment Team. Let your student know you are cheering them on with a Hug in a Bag. 

Opening Show Party

Staging a professional production is an enormous accomplishment. We like to celebrate all this hard work with the cast and crew. The Opening Show Party is a special event immediately following our final dress rehearsal. We encourage everyone in the current production to join in the celebration. Parents and siblings are welcome to join in the fun as well! More details about the Opening Show Party will be emailed and announced as we get closer to the event.


Strike is immediately following our last show.  Once the final curtain call is through, all cast members have a short time to visit with friends and family. At that time, cast, crew, and parents will be called to the stage for assignments. Remember: This is a mandatory all-hands on deck moment. At least one parent from every family is required to pitch in and help. We must strike the set and remove all our equipment from the venue entirely by the end of closing night. Areas that will be assigned include: Greenroom, dressing rooms, stage sets, props, costumes, auditorium, lobbies and restrooms. Parent teams will take primary responsibility for their areas.  Other parents will receive assignments as we get closer to the day. We will be able to get through with strike very quickly as we all work together as a team. We will need help transporting sets, props, costumes, and extra items to the storage facility after strike. Please consult with your parent team lead about the need in this area. 

Cast/Crew Party

And now the celebration! The Cast/Crew Party will happen following the final show and Strike. This party is for all show members and their parent volunteers. We will accommodate food for all cast, crew, and parent team members. The Food and Party Team plans and executes this event. Cast/crew awards and parent appreciation will be presented at this time. More details will be emailed and announced as we get closer.
Cast and crew awards that are recognized are:
Rose Award:  The female cast member who displays the character traits that best exemplify Jesus Christ to her fellow show members. This award is voted on by the cast and crew.
Braveheart Award:  The male cast member who displays the character traits that best exemplify Jesus Christ to his fellow show members. This award is voted on by the cast and crew.
Sparkplug:  Recognizes the cast member who brought the most spark to their character.
Blooper:  Recognizes the cast or crew member who did something outrageous by accident on stage.
Leapfrog:  Awarded to cast member who has grown the most in their role.
Trooper:  Given to cast or crew member that demonstrated great spirit while overcoming difficulties.
Watchdog:  This award recognizes cast members who was helpful and always looked out for others.
Tenacious Tech:  Recognition of crew member who showed great responsibility in the tech booth. 
Capable Crew:  Awarded to the most helpful and hardworking crew member.